Writing Skills Essentials - for Stories, Essays and Assignments

First - Decide on which writing category are you working with? Each of the above has certain requirements (see the second section below).

Second ascertain how long is it meant to be - how many words or pages.


1/. Plan how you are going to work on your writing project.

2/. Do an action plan outline of what's needed. For assignments you need to read and re-read the instructions given, as that's where the marks come from.

3/. Do your research on the topic and make dot points about what you are going to include.

4/. Start building your 'project'. Use small paragraphs consisting of several sentences. (This makes the reading easier and it's easier to absorb all the information).

5/. Have an eye catching intro paragraph. For assignments make this your summary of what your assignment will be about and reference to your main points that you are writing about.

6/. In the main body of the assignment detail what you have researched (assignment) or what your ideas are (story/essay).

6/. Have a great conclusion. Wrap up your work with a summary of what you have found.

7/. Do a spelling and grammar check. Only use the UK English Spell Checker and not the US English, In the USA spell checker the I, S, Z and Y's are different for example characterise (UK English) and characterize (US English).

8/. Proof-read what you have written.

9/. Submit only your final work, when you have done your best! But ensure you submit within the required period to avoid losing marks!

10/. For both Essays and Assignments ensure they are handed in on the due by date and never later, as marks are usually deducted for late hand-ins.



Require five main elements: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

The Essentials:

  • Your point of view, supported by ideas, arguments and evidence.
  • A clear structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.
  • A summary and analysis of other writers' research and opinions.
  • A reference list, as applicable of resources researched.
  • Give yourself a timeline for completion, within the due by date.


Are more demanding than essays and follow a more complex structure.

Firstly you need to read and re-read the requirements asked for in the assignment.

Analyse the topic. Before you start researching or writing, take some time to analyse the assignment topic and requirements, to make sure you know what you need to do.

Then: Read through the topic a few times to make sure you understand it, then think about:

  • The learning objectives listed in the course profile – understand what you should be able to do after completing the course and its assessment tasks.
  • The criteria you'll be marked on – find out what you need to do to achieve the grade you want.
  • The questions you need to answer – then you need to explain the topic in your own words.
  • Referencing is also an essentiality of an assignment, for higher years.

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